How to integrate or re-pair POS software with Linkly Cloud on an Ingenico Move5000

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When your Ingenico Move5000 terminal arrives at your business, you need to integrate it with your POS. Linkly Cloud is one piece of software your POS requires when integrating with Ingenico Move5000. To enable the integration, both the POS and the terminal must be connected to the same WI-FI network.

Follow the steps below to integrate Linkly Cloud with your Ingenico Move5000 or re-pair your POS with your terminal.

Check the terminal menu:
Menu > Press 2.Terminal > Press 2.Others > Press 3. Manager Menu > Enter Password = Last 4 digits of MID. 

The Linkly Cloud application will be displayed next to Control panel. If the Linkly Cloud application is not displayed, request for application by contacting our Customer support team.

Connect to Wi-Fi
Connect your terminal to a Wi-Fi network.


Terminal Setup
Enter the CONFIGURE COMMS MENU via the FUNC key on YOUR Ingenico Move5000 terminal.

Enter Linkly Cloud
Enter 7410 and press ENTER to progress to the Linkly Cloud Configuration.


Terminal Setup
The terminal will display options for Cloud Diagnostics, Terminal Setup and Display Current Settings. Tap the Terminal Setup. The Terminal Setup screen will appear with the word Begin displayed. 



Let's Begin
Tap on Begin. The Select Communication Type screen will display.


Cloud Communications
Tap on 2. Cloud Comms. The connect via Ethernet/Wi-Fi option displays. Tap on Setup Wi-Fi.


Setup Wi-Fi
Tap on 2. Cloud Comms. The connect via Ethernet/Wi-Fi options display. Tap on Setup Wi-Fi.


Setup Wi-Fi
The terminal will scan for available Wi-Fi networks and display a list. Select your Wi-Fi network and enter the password. A Connecting screen will then display. Once connected, the Advanced Settings will display.


Connecting to the Cloud
The terminal should display PIN PAD PAIRING PRESS ENTER. Press ENTER. The Terminal will now display a PAIR-CODE (please take note).


Pairing the POS to the EFTPOS terminal

To pair the POS to the EFTPOS device, you must have access to the pairing configuration within the Point of Sale.

The details you need are:

  • The Cloud ID that was entered into the Terminal
  • The password that was entered into the Terminal
  • The PAIR-CODE generated by the EFTPOS machine

Once these details have been entered, the POS should pair with the terminal and will be able to perform transactions.


Note: Please contact your POS provider to complete the integration.


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