The process for managing merchant changes could be any of the following:
- Merchant Name Change: This could be a change in Personal Name due to marriage or divorce, Addresses, Contact Details or Email Address or could also be a change in business ownership. Contact our Customer Support team and we will obtain a documentary evidence to support this change.
- Change in Bank Account for the Merchant: When changing Bank Account, You need to contact our Customer Support team and this is also supported by a copy of the new Bank Account to verify BSB and Account Number. Note that the bank statement provided has to be issued within 3 months.
- Change in Bank Account for the Merchant's customers: You need to send through a copy of the Direct Debit form for any changes in your customer’s bank account or credit card before the initial debit. This is filled in and signed by your customer. Note that the bank statement provided by your customer has to be issued within 3 months.
- Change in Merchant’s Customer’s accounts: You need to send through a request to change customer’s debit amount, frequency, commencement date and a stop date to our Customer Support team.
- Request by Merchant to deactivate their account: You will need to request your Merchant account to be deactivated because you are not trading anymore, or you have sold the business or whatever reason they may have. We would deactivate the account at whatever date the Merchant has requested, and this would mean that all your customers’ existing accounts would be deleted to due deactivation. You can contact our Customer Support team.