How to add / suspend/ manage users of the VostroPay Merchant & Partner Portal

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To add users to the VostroPay Merchant & Partner Portal, follow the below steps.

Please note: The function of user management is limited to users with Admin and Manager roles on the Merchant & Partner Portal.


Step 1.png

Click Settings at the bottom of the side menu.


Step 2.png

Navigate to User Management.


Step 3.png

Click Invite User to invite your business members to the Merchant & Partner Portal.


Step 4.png

Enter a new user Name & Email address, select the user role to customise the view of the member and click Send invite.

Once invited, a user will receive an email to join the business and can create a password to sign in to the application.

Note: when added, a user will gain implicit access to all children with the same role. For example, if a user is added as a Manager at an account level, they will have Manager access to all locations below the account.


Step 5.png

An invitation will be sent to the new user's email address.

To change the role or suspend a user, follow the below steps:

Select their new role from the dropdown.


To suspend the role of a user, click the 3 dots at the end of the user to suspend.

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